AFSI Chizuk Missions are unique. Participants in an AFSI mission return to their homes informed, educated, enlightened and invigorated, ready to advocate for Yisrael Shleyma, a “full” Israel.
Among other places, AFSI missions visit Judea and Samaria, from the large cities to the small hilltop communities; from the most modern factories in the industrial zones of Ariel to the ancient stones of Hebron and the communities of Ofra and Amona.
A key differentiator separating AFSI Chizuk Missions from other trips is the personal touch. For more than 20 years, AFSI has taken groups to Israel, and over the years, AFSI returns to provide chizuk. AFSI travelers build relationships and become lifetime friends with Israelis on the front lines, wherever they may be. From those protecting Jewish life in southern Tel Aviv from thousands of illegal squatters, to heroes living in eastern Jerusalem among a hostile Arab population, AFSI is there.
Get a taste of an AFSI Chizuk Mission from the video below. View it and then say to yourself, “Next time I go to Israel, I’m going with AFSI.”